I expected to feel a lot more "lonely" without Facebook. As a stay at home mom, I often find myself feeling lonely, even with two cuties running around. I would just be desiring more "adult time", time to connect with my husband or a friend. Surprisingly I just found myself more busy (or one could say productive) which hasn't been a super horrible thing.
Facebook did not aid nor hinder my non-"social" qualities, it is solely just me and my introverted-ness. I thought I would be more intentional in connecting with loved ones, but like I said above I just found myself more busy. It's embarrassing to admit, but when on Facebook regularly I would just look at a friend/family members profile or latest status and find myself oddly satisfied with "connecting" even though there was really no connection. Something I definitely still need to work on, but now am totally aware of this broken system I personally have.
It's apparent to me Facebook is addicting. Pure and simple.
Prayer time... I've never been a wake up early or stay up late intentional prayer or studier. But I have found myself being more intentional praying/talking with God throughout my days when I had thought I was already that way before. I can confidently say I am even more so now.
Routine and rhythm, I've learned I actually enjoy being a homemaker. I've always known that I enjoyed being a mom, but an actual homemaker. This is going to sound completely bogus, but I've found myself enjoying cleaning and organizing, finding ways to clean areas of our home that haven't been cleaned in months AND I no longer completely hate folding clothes... I just hate how much laundry there is in general. I still have troubles with meal planning, but that's because my heart is set on a much healthier living style than our meager grocery budget can afford, but I do try my best to incorporate what I can. It all comes down to, I actually feel capable in my role. And I'm okay with some days being cleaner than others... Because truth is, I have two little boys.
It's been an interesting experience to be away from Facebook. I feel silly even writing an update on it or needing to actually take a break in the first place. I've found it to be a healthy choice for me and actually really freeing. I think it's safe to say I will occasionally take Facebook breaks to kind of keep myself in check, they probably won't be nearly as long though. I'm hoping to incorporate new healthy boundaries including keeping it off my phone and to continually work on the things I had hoped to work on while "away".