Friday, September 28, 2012

Somebody is 1 today!

Happy birthday to this dark haired nugget turned blondie!

I can not believe Owen is one today.  His first year has absolutely FLOWN by.  We have been completely blessed with the happiest, most sweet little man.  Tomorrow we will celebrate with local family and a handful of close friends.  I've got some serious bake going on today, trying my hand in cake pop making and have been inspired by me dear friend Sara to make cupcakes from scratch...  But have asked her to frost them still as she is much better at that than I ;)  We will also be dedicating Owen tomorrow, something we felt special to do on his (and Leroy's) first birthday.  

I didn't realize how out of focus this was when taking this video...  But Leroy has been adamant for weeks that he wants to get Owen a Cupcake with a candle for his birthday. It's really sweet :) 

Happy Birthday Sweet Little Man!  Mommy and Daddy are crazy about you!


  1. Cara, that last photo of Owen is adorable! I love it! Happy Birthday, Owen! I saw JL on Sunday and it sounds like you had a great celebration!

  2. Happy Birthday Owen! You are a special boy and are loved:) We miss your pics on FB, but are glad that you guys are focusing on family time! Lots of love - The Littlejohns
